Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Unique - Danbo Board

Danboru, Si Kardus Manis dari Jepang

Apa sih sebenarnya Danbo? Kenapa banyak yg bilang dia manis banget dan bahkan bikin orang cinta sama dia? Dari mana sebenarnya si Danbo ini?

Rabu, 16 November 2011

Spirit For Life - Manusia Bagai Sebuah Buku

Manusia Bagai Sebuah Buku

Sebenernya aku nggak sengaja nemu postingan ini. Tapi karena menarik, jadi aku post aja di blogku. Tapi tenang aja! Ada creditnya kok dan sumber terpercaya. (^_^)

Books References - My Top List

Referensi Buku – Musti Baca

Yuhu, kali ini aku mau ngepost tentang daftar buku-buku (termasuk manga yg emang aku suka banget) yg menurutku emang menarik banget buat dibaca dan buat yg belum tahu musti baca. Selain emang ceritanya yg menarik, bahasa dan juga plot ceritanya emang nggak bikin pusing dan enak buat bacaan di saat luang. Selain itu juga ada buku yg emang menarik buat bacaan apalagi yg hobi fotografi. Nah, ini daftarnya. Cekidot!!

Resensi Buku - Membidik Peristiwa Jadi Berita

Membidik Peristiwa Jadi Berita, Langkah Taktis Menciptakan Informasi Lewat Foto

Penulis: Regina Septiarini Safri (mbak Rere)
Penerbit: Galang Press
Terbit: September 2011
Halaman: 148

Mungkin banyak yg masih belum gitu tahu soal buku ini karena buku ini baru diluncurkan pada 30 Oktober 2011. Buku ini bukanlah novel, teenlit, atau malah kumpulan cerpen yg biasa kubaca di waktu luang. Tapi buku ini cukup menolong buat kita-kita yg mau belajar atau emang bergelut di dunia fotografi jurnalistik.

FOSTER - My First Step To Photography


Photography. Everybody knows what photography is. It is also something that I will never imagine to be one of my hobby.  I did not have experience with camera. My first time with camera was in my senior high school. I brought camera when I had a school trip for second year. I brought camera film with me, a usual camera using film. I used it to capture the important moments at that time.

Jumat, 11 November 2011

Topic Reading - The Ways To Live Longer

The Ways to Live Longer
Making just a few changes in your lifestyle can help you to live longer. A recent study found that four bad behaviors (smoking, drinking too much alcohol, not exercising, and not eating enough fruits and vegetables) can make you go into an early grave. Fortunately, you can do something to correct these and other unhealthy behaviors. You can adopt these following habits to keep your body looking and feeling young.

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Reading Skills - Reading for Full Understanding


What is reading for full understanding? Is it different with quick reading that we have learnt before? Actually they are both the same for reading skills. Reading for full understanding is actually one of the reading skill that a reader should have. It is different with reading quickly. When we do quick reading, we just look for general information in the text. But when we do reading for full understanding, we have to read carefully because we have to understand each of the idea in the paragraph.


Hello to you all

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