Jumat, 11 November 2011

Topic Reading - The Ways To Live Longer

The Ways to Live Longer
Making just a few changes in your lifestyle can help you to live longer. A recent study found that four bad behaviors (smoking, drinking too much alcohol, not exercising, and not eating enough fruits and vegetables) can make you go into an early grave. Fortunately, you can do something to correct these and other unhealthy behaviors. You can adopt these following habits to keep your body looking and feeling young.

1.     Don’t overeat.

If you want to live up to 100 years old, leaving a little bit of food on your plate may be a good idea. Author Dan Buettner, who studies longevity around the world, found that the oldest Japanese people stop eating when they are feeling only about 80% full. So, they donot eat until they are really full.

2.    Do exercise regularly

Daily exercise may be the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth. But, the most effective way to extend your life is to get more aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of virtually every natural cause of death. It prevents heart disease by increase the elasticity of arteries, boosting good cholesterol, and lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure.

3.    Eat fruits and vegetables

Getting fewer than three servings of fruits and vegetables a day can eat away at your health. Nutritional powerhouses filled with fibers and vitamins, fuits and vegetables can lower your risk of heart disease by 76% as may even play a role in decreasing your risk of breast cancer. As an added bonus, the antioxidant in fruits and vegetables can banish wrinkles.

4.    Don’t smoke

Quitting smoking is perhaps the single most important thing you can do for your health and your life span. It is never too late to kick the habit. Quitting can show disease and increase survival odds even in smokers who have already caused significant damage to their lungs, like those with early lung cancer.

5.    Make a good friends

There are many benefits to having good friends, including an increased feeling of worth.  Friends are also helpful in difficult times, reducing feelings of depression or anxiety, and they may also encourage you to look after your helath. In short, friends can help you to live longer.

Those are some ways to live longer. If you do it, you can make your life and your life span longer.

Source: Reading 2 class by Lana and Ni'am (Pak Muhyidin's class)

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